20 Nov 2014The week leading up to Easter Sunday is known as Semana Santa in Costa Rica. It is one of the country’s most important religious holidays. Many residents have the entire week off from work, schools, banks and stores are closed, and Thursday and Friday…
Whale Watching Costa Rica
20 Nov 2014Much of everything in Costa Rica revolves around its namesake infamous “rich coast” and the first two weeks of September are no exception. Both tourists and locals alike will flock to the waters known as “Whales Tail”, about 20 KM South of Quepos, to…
Independence Day in Costa Rica
20 Nov 2014Local celebrations, national pride and a spirit of community mark Independence Day in Costa Rica every year on September 15th. One of the year’s most important holidays, Costa Rica celebrates its freedom from colonial Spain with peaceful festivities and historical traditions. The national holiday…